Border or Bed Plants

Find Your Perfect Plant

We have put together a modest collection of some information and images of our most popular and successful plants for your garden projects. This collection will be growing over time. Note that due to the seasonal availability of plants, this collection does not reflect current inventory in our stores.     Please call our stores directly to check availability for purchase or order.

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Salvia nemerosa - 'Perfect Profusion'
Salvia nemerosa
'Perfect Profusion'
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Salvia nemorosa - Color Spires® 'Violet Riot'
Salvia nemorosa
Color Spires® 'Violet Riot'
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Shrub Rose - 'Sweet Drift Rose
Shrub Rose
'Sweet Drift Rose
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Shrub Rose - Peach Drift®
Shrub Rose
Peach Drift®
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Solanum 'Bradley' - Bradley Tomato 'pink'
Solanum 'Bradley'
Bradley Tomato 'pink'
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Spiraea japonica - Double Play® Candy Corn®
Spiraea japonica
Double Play® Candy Corn®
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Spiraea japonica - Double Play® Red
Spiraea japonica
Double Play® Red
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Spiraea japonica (Spirea) - Double Play® 'Dolly™'
Spiraea japonica (Spirea)
Double Play® 'Dolly™'
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Spiraea thunbergii - 'Gold Thread™' Spirea
Spiraea thunbergii
'Gold Thread™' Spirea
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Spiraea x - Double Play Doozie®
Spiraea x
Double Play Doozie®
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Syringa x - Bloomerang® Dark Purple
Syringa x
Bloomerang® Dark Purple
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Thuja occidentalis - ''North Pole®'' Arborvitae
Thuja occidentalis
''North Pole®'' Arborvitae
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Thuja occidentalis - Anna's Magic Ball®
Thuja occidentalis
Anna's Magic Ball®
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Thuja x - 'Steeplechase'
Thuja x
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Torenia hybrid - Summer Wave® Large Blue
Torenia hybrid
Summer Wave® Large Blue
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Trailing Red Vinca - Cascading Red Beauty Vinca
Trailing Red Vinca
Cascading Red Beauty Vinca
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Verbena hybrid - Superbena Royale® Plum Wine
Verbena hybrid
Superbena Royale® Plum Wine
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Veronica hybrid - Magic Show® 'Pink Potion'
Veronica hybrid
Magic Show® 'Pink Potion'
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Veronica hybrid - Magic Show® 'White Wands'
Veronica hybrid
Magic Show® 'White Wands'
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Veronica hybrid - Magic Show® Purple Illusion
Veronica hybrid
Magic Show® Purple Illusion
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Veronica hybrid - Magic Show® Wizard of Ahhs
Veronica hybrid
Magic Show® Wizard of Ahhs
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Viburnum macrocephalum - Chinese Snowball Bush
Viburnum macrocephalum
Chinese Snowball Bush
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Weigela florida - Sonic Bloom® Pure Pink
Weigela florida
Sonic Bloom® Pure Pink
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Plant Categories
Plant Characteristics
  •    Attracts Butterflies
  •    Attracts Humming-birds
  •    Attracts Pollinators
  •    Attracts Songbirds
  •    Cold Tolerant
  •    Container
  •    Drought Tolerant
  •    Fast Growing
  •    Ground Cover
  •    Hanging Basket
  •    Low Maintenance
  •    Native
  •    Slow Growing
  •    Vigorous
  •    Water's Edge / Bog Plant
  •    Deer Resistant
  •    Rabbit Resistant
  •    Squirrel Resistant
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